Mental Health Day
The 2024 World Mental Health Day theme ‘It is Time to Prioritise Mental Health in the Workplace’ give us all an opportunity to make our workplaces a healthier place, especially as 60% of the global population is in employment and employees spend 60% of their time in the workplace.
The stats are scary!
Dove Menopause Insights (DMI) research found that nearly half (45%) of the women surveyed feel they weren’t performing at their best at work and one in four 26% wanted to take time off work but had no leave or couldn’t afford to financially.
Menopause Support Gap
As organizations become more aware of the challenges women face during menopause, there is a growing need for better workplace policies. Providing flexible leave options and financial support can help women manage their symptoms without compromising their careers.

So what we can do:
Normalise discussions around menopause and mental health.

Educate employees, managers, and HR on how menopause affects mental health.

Provide flexibility, such as remote work options and flexible hours.

Offer spaces where employees can take breaks when feeling overwhelmed.

Offer access to professionals who specialise in menopausal mental health.

Encourage the creation of employee resource groups or peer networks.

Share external resources such as mental health hotlines, menopause specialists, and wellness programs.

Encourage taking time off for mental health recovery.

Menopause Friendly Australia have some fantastic resources on their site including a checklist to see how your business is doing.
Sources: HR News, NY Times, PR Newswire, AFR, RTE Business, DMI.