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Hair Changes during Menopause: Thinning on Top, Growing on Your Chin – And How to Love the Hair You Have!

Discover how menopause affects hair, from thinning to unexpected growth. Learn how key ingredients like Panthenol, Sweet Almond Oil, and Niacinamide can help nourish and strengthen your hair during this...

Menopause and Hair: What's Going On?

As women move through perimenopause, then that ‘moment’ of menopause and into postmenopause, many begin to see hair thinning, particularly on the top of their scalp. Meanwhile, you may also find yourself growing hair in odd places, such as on your chin, and they grow about 4cm overnight, or so it seems. Normal or not, this is like a betrayal from your body. Here is a news flash: your hair still can be strong, beautiful, and-most importantly-yours.

These changes are yes, because of the hormonal change accompanying menopause-the drop in oestrogen and progesterone, especially. Lower levels of these hormones mean slower hair growth, hair thinning, and-oh yes-those chin hairs

Key Ingredients to Nourish and Strengthen Your Hair

Our Be Nourished Strengthening Shampoo and Be Lustrous Protecting Conditioner contain key ingredients to help support your hair during these times of ‘hairmonal’ change.

Panthenol: Also known as pro-vitamin B5, deeply penetrates the hair shaft, providing intense hydration. This improves elasticity, helping your hair not to break so easily, leaving your hair looking fuller and shinier. Perfect for hair which may be thinning.

Sweet Almond Oil: This nutrient-rich essential oil contains essential fatty acids and vitamins that help nourish the scalp, smoothing the hair cuticle. This helps to keep frizz and split ends at bay, adding shine naturally to your hair and making it perfect for greying hair.

Hydrolysed Soy Protein: A powerhouse protein helping to strengthen your hair right from the core, rebuilding and repairing damage. By boosting the overall strength of the hair we help to boost volume.

Hyaluronic Acid: Famous for its hydration powers in skincare, it works magic on your scalp and hair. It is highly effective in locking in moisture, helping to prevent that brittle feeling that often accompanies hair during this stage of life.

Betaine: This is a fabulous plant based moisturiser. It helps in increasing hydration and calming the scalp to create a better environment for hair to grow.

Niacinamide: This form of Vitamin B3 enhances blood flow to the scalp, helping to stimulate hair growth and strengthening every single strand. It will also help balance the oil production of the scalp - brilliant as sometimes menopause can leave the scalp drier or oilier than before (it can’t make up its mind).

These changes are yes, because of the hormonal change accompanying menopause-the drop in oestrogen and progesterone, especially. Lower levels of these hormones mean slower hair growth, hair thinning, and-oh yes-those chin hairs.

Love the Hair You Have – Whatever It Is

It can be very disheartening, when you have to confront changes in the mirror, but this is where we want to encourage you to change those voices in your head (we all have them). Menopause is about transformation, and that includes hair. Love and support whatever hair you may have; you get the opportunity to play with it, change it, and love it.

Embrace Grey – Or Go Bold

Many women turn grey, even earlier than menopause, and absolutely love it-and why not? It's fantastically beautiful and can make quite a statement. Or, if you're looking to change things, this can be a fab time to try a new colour, too. Sure you can go with softer, more flattering tones or go big with colours you have never tried (pink anyone?).

Hair is as much about self expression as our clothes and makeup are, so just don't be afraid of something new. Our mother used to say ‘you’re only one haircut away from a good one’. We always hoped we’d have good ones, but knew that if we didn’t love it, we could change colour, we could get a new cut or grow something out. Hey - we could even wear a wig if we wanted to.

With a change in your hair texture, this may be the perfect time to reconsider your hairstyle. Consider cuts that add volume if thinning is bothering you or a haircut that's shorter.

Love your hair, care for it, and own it with confidence.


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