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This Week at LBF

December 8th 2024

This is what happens when someone with #adhd can’t find something quickly.

Yep. I couldn’t find the cleanser for my makeup brushes so I cleaned out all bathroom, laundry & hall cupboards and drawers.

Found the cleanser in about 30min, but once I started that #hyperfocus kicked in and everything was taken out, checked and either reorganised or thrown out.

Why do we do this to ourselves???

What was I avoiding???

We're often swept up by societal expectations, nudged down paths that don't always resonate with us. There's an immeasurable joy though in dancing to the beat of your own drum. ⁠

When you live life authentically, in line with your values & dreams, magic happens. You experience a sense of fulfillment that's truly unmatchable. There's freedom in choosing your own path, your own pace, your own journey.⁠

By being true to yourself, you invite happiness, peace, & growth into your life. You learn to respect your boundaries, your needs, & your aspirations. It's about falling in love with your own narrative, one day at a time. ⁠

Let's embrace our quirks, our passions, our dreams. Let's turn the volume up on our inner voice, and pave our own path in this wild, beautiful, extraordinary thing called life. ⁠

It's YOUR life. Live it YOUR way.⁠

You don't need to wait for permission to live your life the way you want. No green lights or approvals required! Your path is yours to tread, and the footprints you leave behind are a testament to your extraordinary journey.⁠

Clarity is key, my friends. Know who you are and what you want. Your dreams, your passions, your values - they are your guiding stars, leading you to your true destination. Be unapologetically you and let your authentic light shine! ⁠

You are the captain of your ship. Taking full responsibility for your life is empowering. Yes, the waves might be unpredictable, but you have the power to steer your vessel. Celebrate your victories, learn from your setbacks, but never relinquish the wheel. ⁠

Don't forget to look after yourself! Self-care needs to be prioritised like it's a precious appointment that cannot be missed. Nourish your body, nurture your mind, and feed your soul. When you take care of yourself, you're better equipped to navigate the challenges of life and embrace its beauty.⁠

Finally, you need to remember that life is 50/50. There'll be sunshine and rain, laughter and tears, triumphs and challenges. And guess what? It's all part of the beautiful, intricate tapestry of existence. The ups and downs are what shape us, strengthen us, and make our story worth telling. ⁠

What stolen focus?

With a late adhd diagnosis, perimenopause and a world of gadgets and task switching like an energiser bunny, yep, my focus has 100% been stolen.

Will I manage to concentrate long enough to read this new book from @elodieleith ???

I am often asked if self-care is selfish.⁠

Hell to the NO.⁠

In simple terms self-care is the awareness that you need to replenish your own fuel and use the oxygen mask first on yourself!⁠

Self-care is also not all face masks and spa days (although they can be fab and are great for you in many ways).⁠

Self-care is about what you need to make you the best you.⁠

Some examples of things you can do are:⁠
⭐️good sleep⁠
⭐️regular exercise⁠
⭐️staying connected⁠
⭐️mindfulness habits⁠
⭐️having a creative outlet⁠

Areas that are impacted by our commitment to our self-care include anything and everything from our finances to career development and our 😍life!⁠

How we look after ourselves is a big ingredient in how confident we are, we start slipping up and that drops too.⁠

If you feel like you could do with a bit of a self-care brush up, drop a ❤️in the comments and I'll send you an easy 30 day self-care love-a-thon for you to do. It's great to do with friends or your family too!⁠

“The older you get the better you get, unless you are a banana.“ Betty White⁠

It was my 49th birthday this week and I did my best to ignore the whole thing - I even hid my birthday on Facebook for the first time.⁠

Birthdays have been strange for me since mum passed away the night before, 6 years ago, and this year with the cluster f of stuff going on, it felt even harder. It felt wrong to be in celebration mode.⁠

I know I'll get my birthday mojo back, I was the 6 year old that went to the shops and did a shopping list and budget for my own party!⁠

I'll have a big one for my 50th next year. I promise and wowza will you want an invite.⁠

I did share this fabulous bottle of bubbles with 2 of my besties and fellow Geminis, Shivani and Amanda. When you've been friends for as long as we have we won't let each other ignore celebrating another trip around the sun in some way.⁠

This bottle and moment reminded me not to save things for special occasions, or to only celebrate the big things and that it's ok to show up as you with those you love always.⁠

As for my gorgeous daughter Elodie, she gave me a fabulous self-care basket and reminded me that I needed to put myself higher up my care list. Message understood.⁠
That’s right.
It’s ok to care.

If you been fed the line that you will only be successful when you give up caring what others think, or of being liked, I’m over here disagreeing with that.

We are human.

We want to fit in.

We want to be liked.

And here’s where the big AND comes in.

You can want all of these things and still not let it dictate what you do and who you are.

The right people will like you (remember not everyone likes peaches) and the right people will be on the same page with what you do and who you are.

Find those people.

The rest is simply noise.

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